Oz Incorporated is a full service equestrian training center. We specialize in producing horses and training dedicated horsemen who compete in hunter, jumper and hunter seat equitation disciplines. We have programs suited for all levels from short and long stirrup through to the grand prix level. Whatever your goals are, Oz is 100% committed to helping you reach them.

Head Trainer
Shelley Campf

Shelley has been in the hunter jumper business for over 30 years. She owns and operates Oz Incorporated, in Canby, Oregon. Shelley also co-owns Team NW Equestrian Sports, a horse show management company that runs several National shows in the Portland area. To learn more about Shelley and her talented team of trainers click below!

Buying or Selling a horse?

Oz Incorporated specializes in hunters, jumpers and hunter seat equitation. We continually produce both top riders and top horses that not only compete locally but nationally and internationally as well. Our customer service is a huge priority. Let us help make your showing and competing experience enjoyable and prosperous.

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